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The Summer Solstice

The summer solstice (aka Midsummer or Litha) is the polar opposite of the winter solstice. This is the day when the summer is at the peak of its powers-daylight is the longest, while nighttime is the shortest.

At the summer solstice, we pay homage to the sun, the source of all life, and the God that it represents. Show your reverence by offering a gift of flowers or plants, symbolizing the beauty and vitality that the sun brings to our world.

The summer solstice is a time when Wiccans embrace a more exuberant spirit. While we honor and respect the sun, there's no reason not to celebrate with a touch of joyful revelry!
The summer solstice, a date that varies each year, typically falls around June 20th. This variation adds to the mystique and anticipation of the holiday, allowing us to adapt our celebrations to the changing rhythms of nature.

05: PM 0 Comments  (Add Comment)  |  



Falling on April 30th or May 1st, Beltane (May Day) is another occasion to surround yourself with beautiful flowers and other plants. However, this is a holiday that is also explicitly associated with fertility.

But before you go out and buy a bassinet, keep in mind that fertility can be about more than just childbirth. This is the time of year when the ground is most fertile, and many crops are planted on or around Beltane. Even if you don't have much of a green thumb yourself, it's the perfect holiday to honor the earth and the life-giving bounty that she is about to provide for us

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pagan origins of easter

Easter is one of the most celebrated holidays in the Christian world, but did you know that its origins can be traced back to pagan times? In this blog post, we will explore the pagan roots of Easter and how modern-day pagans can celebrate this holiday.

Pagan Origins of Easter

The name Easter is believed to have come from the Old English word Ä’astre, which was the name of a pagan goddess of spring and fertility. Ä’astre was often associated with hares and eggs, which are now common symbols of Easter. The tradition of decorating eggs for Easter can be traced back to pagan times, where eggs were a symbol of fertility and new life.

The date of Easter is also closely tied to pagan celebrations. In the northern hemisphere, Easter falls on the first Sunday after the first full moon following the vernal equinox, which is around March 20th. This date was chosen by the early Christian church to coincide with the pagan festival of Ostara, which celebrated the arrival of spring and new beginnings.

Another pagan tradition that influenced Easter is the ancient Sumerian goddess Inanna, who was also associated with fertility and rebirth. Inanna was believed to have descended into the underworld and risen again, which is similar to the Christian belief in the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Pagan Easter Celebrations

For modern-day pagans, Easter is a time to celebrate the arrival of spring and new beginnings. Here are some ways that pagans can celebrate Easter:

Ostara Rituals

One way to celebrate Easter as a pagan is to hold an Ostara ritual. This can be done alone or with a group of fellow pagans. The ritual can include lighting candles, making offerings to the goddess Ä’astre, and planting seeds to represent new beginnings.

Egg Decorating

Another pagan tradition that can be incorporated into Easter celebrations is egg decorating. Pagans can use natural dyes made from plants such as beetroot or spinach to decorate eggs, or they can use symbols and colors that represent their beliefs.

Spring Cleaning

Spring cleaning is another way to celebrate Easter as a pagan. This can involve cleaning and decluttering the home to create a fresh start for the new season. Pagans can also use this time to cleanse their mind and body through meditation or other spiritual practices.

Nature Walks

Easter is a great time to get outside and connect with nature. Pagans can take a nature walk and observe the signs of spring, such as blooming flowers and chirping birds. This can be a time to reflect on the cycles of life and the power of new beginnings.


Food is an important part of many pagan celebrations, and Easter is no exception. Pagans can prepare a feast of spring vegetables, fruits, and other foods that represent new life. This can be a time to share food and drink with friends and family and give thanks for the abundance of the earth.

In Conclusion

Easter may have Christian roots, but it is also a holiday that has deep pagan origins. For pagans, Easter is a time to celebrate the arrival of spring and new beginnings. Whether it's through rituals, egg decorating, or nature walks, there are many ways to honor the pagan traditions of Easter. By embracing these ancient practices, pagans can connect with the cycles of nature and find renewed hope and inspiration for the year ahead.

04: PM 0 Comments  (Add Comment)  |  


Erotic Thesaurus

Appetite -
craving, demand, gluttony, greed, hunger, inclination, insatiable, longing, lust, passion, ravenousness, relish, taste, thirst, urge, voracity, weakness, willingness, yearning, ardor, dedication, desire, devotion, enthusiasm, excitement, fervor, horny, intensity, keenness, wholeheartedness, zeal, 

Arouse -
agitate, awaken, electrify, enliven, excite, entice, foment, goad, incite, inflame, instigate, kindle, provoke, rally, rouse, spark, stimulate, stir, thrill, waken, warm, whet, attract, charm, coax, fire up, fuel, heat up, lure, produce, stir up, tantalize, tease, tempt, thrum, torment, wind up, work up,

Assault -
attack, advancing, aggressive, assailing, charging, incursion, inundated, invasion, offensive, onset, onslaught, overwhelmed, ruinous, tempestuous, strike, violation, ambush, assail, barrage, bombard, bombardment, crackdown, wound,

Beautiful -
admirable, alluring, angelic, appealing, bewitching, charming, dazzling, delicate, delightful, divine, elegant, enticing, exquisite, fascinating, gorgeous, graceful, grand, magnificent, marvelous, pleasing, radiant, ravishing, resplendent, splendid, stunning, sublime, attractive, beguiling, captivating, enchanting, engaging, enthralling, eye-catching, fetching, fine, fine-looking, good-looking, handsome, inviting, lovely, mesmeric, mesmerizing, pretty, rakish, refined, striking, tantalizing, tempting,

Brutal -

atrocious, barbarous, bloodthirsty, callous, cruel, feral, ferocious, hard, harsh, heartless, inhuman, merciless, murderous, pitiless, remorseless, rough, rude, ruthless, savage, severe, terrible, unmerciful, vicious, bestial, brute, brutish, cold-blooded, fierce, gory, nasty, rancorous, sadistic, uncompromising, unfeeling, unforgiving, unpitying, violent, wild,

Burly -

able-bodied, athletic, beefy, big, brawny, broad-shouldered, bulky, dense, enormous, great, hard, hardy, hearty, heavily built, heavy, hefty, huge, husky, immense, large, massive, muscular, mighty, outsized, oversized, powerful, powerfully built, prodigious, robust, solid, stalwart, stocky, stout, strapping, strong, strongly built, sturdy, thick, thickset, tough, well-built, well-developed

Carnal -

animalistic, bodily, impure, lascivious, lecherous, lewd, libidinous, licentious, lustful, physical, prurient, salacious, sensuous, voluptuous, vulgar, wanton, , coarse, crude, dirty, raunchy, rough, unclean, 


Dangerous -
alarming, critical, fatal, formidable, impending, malignant, menacing, mortal, nasty, perilous, precarious, pressing, serious, terrible, threatening, treacherous, urgent, vulnerable, wicked, acute, damaging, deadly, death-defying, deathly, destructive, detrimental, explosive, grave, harmful, hazardous, injurious, lethal, life-threatening, noxious, poisonous, risky, severe, terrifying, toxic, unsafe, unstable, venomous,

Dark -
atrocious, corrupt, forbidding, foul, infernal, midnight, morbid, ominous, sinful, sinister, somber, threatening, twilight, vile, wicked, abject, alarming, appalling, baleful, bizarre, bleak, bloodcurdling, boding evil, chilling, cold, condemned, creepy, damned, daunting, demented, desolate, dire, dismal, disturbing, doomed, dour, dread, dreary, dusk, eerie, fear, fearsome, frightening, ghastly, ghostly, ghoulish, gloom, gloomy, grave, grim, grisly, gruesome, hair-raising, haunted, hideous, hopeless, horrendous, horrible, horrid, horrific, horrifying, horror, ill-fated, ill-omened, ill-starred, inauspicious, inhospitable, looming, lost, macabre, malice, malignant, menacing, murky, mysterious, night, panic, pessimistic, petrifying, scary, shadows, shadowy, shade, shady, shocking, soul-destroying, sour, spine-chilling, spine-tingling, strange, terrifying, uncanny, unearthly, unlucky, unnatural, unnerving, weird, wretched,

Delicious -
enticing, exquisite, luscious, lush, rich, savory, sweet, tasty, tempting, appetizing, delectable, flavorsome, full of flavor, juicy, lip-smacking, mouth-watering, piquant, relish, ripe, salty, spicy, scrummy, scrumptious, succulent, tangy, tart, tasty, yummy, zesty, 

Ecstasy -
delectation, delirium, elation, euphoria, fervor, frenzy, joy, rapture, transport, bliss, excitement, happiness, heaven, high, paradise, rhapsody, thrill, blissful, delighted, elated, extremely happy, in raptures (of delight), in seventh heaven, jubilant, on cloud nine, overexcited, overjoyed, rapturous, thrilled, 

Ecstatic -
delirious, enraptured, euphoric, fervent, frenzied, joyous, transported, wild,

Erotic -

amatory, amorous, aphrodisiac, carnal, earthy, erogenous, fervid, filthy, hot, impassioned, lascivious, lecherous, lewd, raw, romantic, rousing, salacious, seductive, sensual, sexual, spicy, steamy, stimulating, suggestive, titillating, voluptuous, tantalizing, 

Gasp -
catch of breath, choke, gulp, heave, inhale, pant, puff, snort, wheeze, huff, rasp, sharp intake of air, short of breath, struggle for breath, swallow, winded, 

Heated -
ardent, avid, excited, fervent, fervid, fierce, fiery, frenzied, furious, impassioned, intense, passionate, raging, scalding, scorched, stormy, tempestuous, vehement, violent, ablaze, aflame, all-consuming, blazing, blistering, burning, crazed, explosive, febrile, feverish, fired up, flaming, flushed, frantic, hot, hot-blooded, impatient, incensed, maddening, obsessed, possessed, randy, searing, sizzling, smoldering, sweltering, torrid, turbulent, volatile, worked up, zealous, 

Hunger -
appetite, ache, craving, gluttony, greed, longing, lust, mania, mouth-watering, ravenous, voracious, want, yearning, thirst, 

Hungry -
avid, carnivorous, covetous, craving, eager, greedy, hungered, rapacious, ravenous, starved, unsatisfied, voracious, avaricious, desirous, famished, grasping, insatiable, keen, longing, predatory, ravening, starving, thirsty, wanting, 

Intense -
forceful, severe, passionate, acute, agonizing, ardent, anxious, biting, bitter, burning, close, consuming, cutting, deep, eager, earnest, excessive, exquisite, extreme, fervent, fervid, fierce, forcible, great, harsh, impassioned, keen, marked, piercing, powerful, profound, severe, sharp, strong, vehement, violent, vivid, vigorous, 

Liquid -
damp, cream, creamy, dripping, ichorous, juicy, moist, luscious, melted, moist, pulpy, sappy, soaking, solvent, sopping, succulent, viscous, wet / aqueous, broth, elixir, extract, flux, juice, liquor, nectar, sap, sauce, secretion, solution, vitae, awash, moisture, boggy, dewy, drenched, drip, drop, droplet, drowning, flood, flooded, flowing, fountain, jewel, leaky, milky, overflowing, saturated, slick, slippery, soaked, sodden, soggy, stream, swamp, tear, teardrop, torrent, waterlogged, watery, weeping,

Lithe -
agile, lean, pliant, slight, spare, sinewy, slender, supple, deft, fit, flexible, lanky, leggy, limber, lissom, lissome, nimble, sinuous, skinny, sleek, slender, slim, svelte, trim, thin, willowy, wiry

Moving -
(exciting,) affecting, affective, arousing, awakening, breathless, dynamic, eloquent, emotional, emotive, expressive, fecund, far-out, felt in gut, grabbed by, gripping, heartbreaking, heartrending, impelling, impressive, inspirational, meaningful, mind-bending, mind-blowing, motivating, persuasive, poignant, propelling, provoking, quickening, rallying, rousing, significant, stimulating, simulative, stirring, stunning, touching, awe-inspiring, energizing, exhilarating, fascinating, heart pounding, heart stopping, inspiring, riveting, thrilling, 

Need -
compulsion, demand, desperate, devoir, extremity, impatient longing, must, urge, urgency / desire, appetite, avid, burn, craving, eagerness, fascination, greed, hunger, insatiable, longing, lust, taste, thirst, voracious, want, yearning, ache, addiction, aspiration, desire, fever, fixation, hankering, hope, impulse, inclination, infatuation, itch, obsession, passion, pining, wish, yen, 

Pain -
ache, afflict, affliction, agony, agonize, anguish, bite, burn, chafe, distress, fever, grief, hurt, inflame, laceration, misery, pang, punish, sting, suffering, tenderness, throb, throe, torment, torture, smart, 

Painful -
aching, agonizing, arduous, awful, biting, burning, caustic, dire, distressing, dreadful, excruciating, extreme, grievous, inflamed, piercing, raw, sensitive, severe, sharp, tender, terrible, throbbing, tormenting, angry, bleeding, bloody, bruised, cutting, hurting, injured, irritated, prickly, skinned, smarting, sore, stinging, unbearable, uncomfortable, upsetting, wounded, 

Perverted -
aberrant, abnormal, corrupt, debased, debauched, defiling, depraved, deviant, monstrous, tainted, twisted, vicious, warped, wicked, abhorrent, base, decadent, degenerate, degrading, dirty, disgusting, dissipated, dissolute, distasteful, hedonistic, immodest, immoral, indecent, indulgent, licentious, nasty, profligate, repellent, repugnant, repulsive, revolting, shameful, shameless, sickening, sinful, smutty, sordid, unscrupulous, vile, 

able -
charming, gratifying, luscious, satisfying, savory, agreeable, delicious, delightful, enjoyable, nice, pleasant, pleasing, soothing, succulent, 

Pleasure -
bliss, delight, gluttony, gratification, relish, satisfaction, thrill, adventure, amusement, buzz, contentment, delight, desire, ecstasy, enjoyment, excitement, fun, happiness, harmony, heaven, joy, kick, liking, paradise, seventh heaven, 


avaricious, ferocious, furious, greedy, predatory, ravening, ravenous, savage, voracious, aggressive, gluttonous, grasping, insatiable, marauding, plundering, 

Rapture -
bliss, ecstasy, elation, exaltation, glory, gratification, passion, pleasure, floating, unbridled joy, 

Rigid -
adamant, austere, definite, determined, exact, firm, hard, rigorous, solid, stern, uncompromising, unrelenting, unyielding, concrete, fixed, harsh, immovable, inflexible, obstinate, resolute, resolved, severe, steadfast, steady, stiff, strong, strict, stubborn, taut, tense, tight, tough, unbending, unchangeable, unwavering,

Sudden -
abrupt, accelerated, acute, fast, flashing, fleeting, hasty, headlong, hurried, immediate, impetuous, impulsive, quick, quickening, rapid, rash, rushing, swift, brash, brisk, brusque, instant, instantaneous, out of the blue, reckless, rushed, sharp, spontaneous, urgent, without warning, 

Thrust -

(forward) advance, drive, forge, impetus, impulsion, lunge, momentum, onslaught, poke, pressure, prod, propulsion, punch, push, shove, power, proceed, progress, propel,

(push hard) assail, assault, attack, bear down, buck, drive, force, heave, impale, impel, jab, lunge, plunge, press, pound, prod, ram, shove, stab, transfix, urge, bang, burrow, cram, gouge, jam, pierce, punch, slam, spear, spike, stick,  

Thunder-struck -
amazed, astonished, aghast, astounded, awestruck, confounded, dazed, dazed, dismayed, overwhelmed, shocked, staggered, startled, stunned, gob-smacked, bewildered, dumbfounded, flabbergasted, horrified, incredulous, surprised, taken aback, 

Torment -
agony, anguish, hurt, misery, pain, punishment, suffering, afflict, angst, conflict, distress, grief, heartache, misfortune, nightmare, persecute, plague, sorrow, strife, tease, test, trial, tribulation, torture, turmoil, vex, woe, 

Touch -
(physical) - blow, brush, caress, collide, come together, contact, converge, crash, cuddle, embrace, feel, feel up, finger, fondle, frisk, glance, glide, graze, grope, handle, hit, hug, impact, join, junction, kiss, lick, line, manipulate, march, massage, meet, nudge, palm, partake, pat, paw, peck, pet, pinch, probe, push, reach, rub, scratch, skim, slide, smooth, strike, stroke, suck, sweep, tag, tap, taste, thumb, tickle, tip, touching, toy, bite, bump, burrow, buss, bury, circle, claw, clean, clutch, cover, creep, crush, cup, curl, delve, dig, drag, draw, ease, edge, fiddle with, flick, flit, fumble, grind, grip, grub, hold, huddle, knead, lap, lave, lay a hand on, maneuver, manhandle, mash, mold, muzzle, neck, nestle, nibble, nip, nuzzle, outline, play, polish, press, pull, rasp, ravish, ream, rim, run, scoop, scrabble, scrape, scrub, shave, shift, shunt, skate, slip, slither, smack, snake, snuggle, soothe, spank, splay, spread, squeeze, stretch, swipe, tangle, tease, thump, tongue, trace, trail, tunnel twiddle, twirl, twist, tug, work, wrap

(mental) - communicate, examine, inspect, perception, scrutinize,

Wet -

bathe, bleed, burst, cascade, course, cover, cream, damp, dampen, deluge, dip, douse, drench, dribble, drip, drizzle, drool, drop, drown, dunk, erupt, flood, flow, gush, immerse, issue, jet, leach, leak, moisten, ooze, overflow, permeate, plunge, pour, rain, rinse, run, salivate, saturate, secrete, seep, shower, shoot, slaver, slobber, slop, slosh, sluice, spill, soak, souse, spew, spit, splash, splatter, spout, spray, sprinkle, spurt, squirt, steep, stream, submerge, surge, swab, swamp, swill, swim, trickle, wash, water,
Wicked -
abominable, amoral, atrocious, awful, base, barbarous, dangerous, debased, depraved, distressing, dreadful, evil, fearful, fiendish, fierce, foul, heartless, hazardous, heinous, immoral, indecent, intense, mean, nasty, naughty, nefarious, offensive, profane, scandalous, severe, shameful, shameless, sinful, terrible, unholy, vicious, vile, villainous, wayward, bad, criminal, cruel, deplorable, despicable, devious, ill-intentioned, impious, impish, iniquitous, irreverent, loathsome, Machiavellian, mad, malevolent, malicious, merciless, mischievous, monstrous, perverse, ruthless, spiteful, uncaring, unkind, unscrupulous, vindictive, virulent, wretched, 

Writhe -
agonize, bend, jerk, recoil, lurch, plunge, slither, squirm, struggle, suffer, thrash, thresh, twist, wiggle, wriggle, angle, arc, bow, buck, coil, contort, convulse, curl, curve, fidget, fight, flex, go into spasm, grind, heave, jiggle, jolt, kick, rear, reel, ripple, resist, roll, lash, lash out, screw up, shake, shift, slide, spasm, stir, strain, stretch, surge, swell, swivel, thrust, turn violently, tussle, twitch, undulate, warp, worm, wrench, wrestle, yank, 

05: PM 0 Comments  (Add Comment)  |  


Phrases for in and out of The Bedroom

Absorbed the feel of him

Aching tension between them built

Acute surge of desire

Admired the full length of his powerful physique

Aflame with

Agile fingers fondled

All thoughts became superfluous but one

All-over kiss of two bodies

Allowing his erection to cushion against

Already plumb and swollen

An opiate, she had no wish to kick

An unfurling of

Anticipation so keen

Apex of her legs

Arched her back to better accept him

Ardent loving

Attraction that became much more

Attractive dishabille

Beautiful landscape of plains, tight abs and Beckoned him like a siren�s song

Beguiling her with his

Between her thighs

Blood humming in her veins

Blown apart by heat

Body surged into hers

Bold caress of his tongue

Boneless limbs

Brain wouldn�t focus

Brazen hands

Breached her every defense

Breathless urgency

Breathtakingly aware

Brutal strength of his passion

Building of a gripping sensation

Bunched her skirt up her thighs

Burgeoning frenzy

Buried in her sweet heat

Burn, tremble and yearn

Catalogued every curve and dip

Caused women to hyperventilate

Charge of excitement

Chuckled at her goose bumps

Circled his hard length with her hands

Circled his neck with her arms

Clad only in panties

Clever hands

Climax came at her in drugging waves

Closed about her breasts

Clutched fistfuls of his shirt

Coaxing her to abandon

Collapsed, spent

Come hither grin

Complied without thought

Consuming climax

Convulsed with her orgasm

Crumbling barrier of resistance

Cry of release

Cupped her soft blond mons

Cupped him in her hands

Cupped his face between her hands

Curve of her collarbone

Damp quivery thighs

Dazed and mellowed

Deep dips and curves in all the right places

Deep primitive tug that signaled

Deep sense of completion

Deliberately stretching her

Delicate inner face of her thigh

Delighted with her excited anticipation

Devastating her control

Dragged his mouth from hers

Drank freely of him

Draped her arms

Drew her into the maelstrom

Driving force of his kiss

Driving hips Eager to sample

Engulfing emotion

Entered her slowly

Enthralled her with his touch

Enticing image of her beneath the

  Essential speed

Euphoric aftermath

Evocative stroll to the bed

Excellent molecular structure

Explored the texture of his

Eyes narrowed to half mast

Eyes slid shut in ecstasy

Familiar hot longing squeezed his

Fascinated with the soft roundness of

Feathery strokes of her tongue

Feel of him next to her

Feminine portal

Fervor of her response

Fevered skin

Fierce flare of yearning

Filling her

Final surrender

Fingers tangled in the curls at her

Firm curves and slender limbs

Firm male lips that knew what they were about

Flawless skin

Flexing muscles in his back and legs

Flicked open the buttons one by one

Flooded her

Fly apart

Focused on the sensation

Focused totally on her

For his private deletion

French cut panties and lacy bra cupped

Frenzied race to fulfillment

Full lips softened under his

Fused his flesh with hers

Gentle persuasion of his kisses

Going up in smoke

Grasped her knees and eased them apart

Gravelly words uttered against her flesh

Greedy mouth took bold possession

Handsome, hypnotic, and powerful

Hard little kernel of tormented flesh

Hauled in a breath and tensed

Head of his staff nudged

Head twisting frantically as he

Heart-shaped ass begged a squeeze

Heart-stopping tenderness

Heat and power radiated

Her body closed tightly around him

His erection bumped against

His hard thighs crowned her hips

Hormones percolated

Hot flavor of desire

Hot/warm honey

Hunk of sexy brawn

Husky voice whispered want and need

Ignited a hunger Introduction of delights

It was damn potent

Joined her in the void of

Joined their heated flesh

Keening sound as she threw back her head

Kiss held  promise of fulfillment

Kiss spoke of things left unsaid

Kissed the back of her knees

Kissed the slender column of her throat

Kneaded her bosom

Knees clamped his naked hips

Lean muscles of his belly

Legs entangled with his

Lethargy of spent passion

Licking her

Lips fused and held

Lips grazed the ripe buds

Long, liquid kiss that rushed lust through her

Long, slow ride of delight

Loomed over her

Lost her senses

Loved this swarthy virile man

Loving attack on

Low slung jeans hugged his

Low sultry, incoherent mews

Luscious vessel

Made him more rigid and engorged

Made mincemeat of her will

Mapped her body with his

Matched his rhythm

Molded intimately against

Molding her to him

Molten waves of pleasure

Narcotic power of his voice and eyes

Naughty smile that had him imagining

Nearly maddened

Nearly melted in his Armani loafers

Need that defied reason

Nerves stretched taut

Nibbled her ears

Nipples pebbled

Only he could appease

Onslaught of raw physical desire

Passionate tide overtook

Past her own will

Peeled off her tight blue jeans

Penetrated her

Perceived her every desire

Pert nipple beckoned

Picked up his rhythm

Plea in her eyes

Pleasure licked at

Plucked kisses from

Poised at her entrance

Potency of his presence

Preparing her for him

Pressed her back and took his fill

Pressed two fingers into the silken curls

Pressing her against his arousal

Primitive maleness

Probing in a slow repetitive rhythm

Prolonged the pleasure

Purring beneath his touch

Quiet sensuality brewed in

Quivery awareness shot

Radiated each others heat

Ragged breathing

Rained kisses across her silky shoulder

Rapid, shallow breaths

Reason tumbled into oblivion

Reckless savage lust unlike anything he�d

Reeled in wicked delight

Relentlessly moved her hips against his

Restraint that drove her to distraction

Riding rhythm Ripples of pleasure

Rose over her Saucy grin invited his touch

Savored her Scent rising to torment

Sea of pleasure

Searing need Seeking all her secrets

Sexy little mole on her

Sexy, tight man buns

Shackled his raging lust

Shaft reared hot and hard against her

Sharp spasm of need

Shattering climax

She was tight

Shocking, possessive gaze climbed

Shock waves of pleasure sizzled

Shuddering with desire

Silken length of her thigh

Sinewy arms holding her captive

Sinuous, leonine strength

Slick heat

Slid another finger inside.

Sliding thrust

Sliding upwards against him

Smelled of Jasmine and sex

Smoldering eyes drew him in

Sneaked into her heart

Soared high Soft cheeks of her bottom filled

Soft coziness of passion�s aftermath

Spasms of pure unadulterated

Spilled his seed within

Splintered into

Startled by his intimate kiss

Stirring of primal needs

Stoking a fire

Stretching her softness

Stripped away her restraint

Stroking fingers matched that of his tongue

Sucking them into his mouth

Surge of his possession

Swiftly dealt with her clothes

Swirling hotly

Taking him to the hilt

Tampering with her sanity

Tangy taste and male scent

Tasted of heat and honey

05: PM 0 Comments  (Add Comment)  |  


Naughty Survey

1. when did they lose their virginity?

2. do they have any kinks or fetishes?

3. what is the weirdest place they’ve had sex?

4. what is their favorite position?

5. are they dominant, submissive, or switch?

6. have they had any one-night stands?

7. would they be more likely to do it in the bed, on the couch, on the floor, or somewhere else?

8. have they had sex in a public place?

9. have they ever been caught masturbating?

10. what does their favorite sexy underwear (to wear) look like?

11. how often do they have sex?

12. is there anybody right now they’d like to have sex with?

13. do they like giving oral?

14. do they like receiving oral?

15. what is the most embarrassing thing that’s ever happened to them during sex?

16. what is a song they’d listen to during hard/rough/kinky sex? & 17. what is a song they’d listen to during soft/slow/passionate sex?

18. are they into roleplay or dress-up during sex?

19. would they prefer sex in the tub or sex in the shower?

20. if they could have sex with anyone, living or dead, who would it be?

21. have they ever had a threesome? if not, would they?

22. do they/would they use sex toys?

23. have they ever given someone a dirty text/letter/picture?

24. would they have sex with their best friend?

25. is there anything they do after sex?

26. what is something that will never fail to get them horny?

27. do they prefer morning sex or night sex?

28. what is their favourite body part on the opposite sex?

29. what is their favourite body part on the same sex?

30. do they watch porn/read dirty magazines?

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Happy Lupercalia!


This year, I’ve really kind of felt a pull away from Valentine’s Day and a draw to study Lupercalia.  Given that I have a lot of Sicilian ancestry, it only seems appropriate.  “Lupercalia was a very ancient, possibly pre-Roman pastoral festival, observed on February 13 through 15 to avert evil spirits and purify the city, releasing health and fertility. Lupercalia subsumed Februa, an earlier-origin spring cleansing ritual held on the same date, which gives the month of February (Februarius) its name.

The name Lupercalia was believed in antiquity to evince some connection with the Ancient Greek festival of the Arcadian Lykaia and the worship of Lycaean Pan, assumed to be a Greek equivalent to Faunus, as instituted by Evander.

In Roman mythology, Lupercus is a god sometimes identified with the Roman god Faunus, who is the Roman equivalent of the Greek god Pan.  Lupercus is the god of shepherds. His festival, celebrated on the anniversary of the founding of his temple on February 15, was called the Lupercalia. His priests wore goatskins. The historian Justin mentions an image of “the Lycaean god, whom the Greeks call Pan and the Romans Lupercus,” nude save for the girdle of goatskin, which stood in the Lupercal, the cave where Romulus and Remus were suckled by a she-wolf. There, on the Ides of February (in February the ides is the 13th), a goat and a dog were sacrificed, and salt mealcakes prepared by the Vestal Virgins were burnt.” [1]

"The Wolf With the Red Roses" by ~HeartRaped

“The Wolf With the Red Roses” by ~HeartRaped

The sacrifice of goats and dogs may be troubling for some (myself included) and may result in a knock on the door from your local police department and/or the ASPCA.  I would like to believe that as our consciousness has grown and evolved, so has that of the gods’.  I ran across a great piece entitled “Lupercalia – Adapting an Ancient Roman Festival for Modern Times“.  In it, it gives some great alternatives to blood sacrifice and making it more symbolic, yet keeping the Spirit alive.  Since the wolf is one of my favorite animals and is in one way or another a totem or guide for me, I really love and embrace the idea of doing something to help the wolf – whether donating money to a charitable organization that speaks up and tries to save the wolves and/or education and raising awareness about preserving the species.  CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE ABOUT WHAT YOU CAN DO TO HELP THE WOLVES.

As for personal workings, this really resonated with me: “Amulius deprived his nephews of their parents. The Gods stepped in and gave them wolf parents. Another aspect that could be reflected upon is the way in which the Gods provide alternatives when we suffer losses in our lives. Thanks might be offered to the benevolence of Providence, especially if those taking part have had just such experiences of the kindness of strangers.”

f4b62d049287e33cc38a375e350a7c4dAlso, from Patricia Telesco’s book, 365 Goddess:A Daily Guide to the Magic and Inspiration of the Goddess, she states in her February 14th entry on Venus and Lupercalia: “During Lupercalia, an ancient predecessor of Valentine’s Day, single girls put their names in a box and unmarried men drew lots to see with whom they would be paired off for the coming year. To be more modern-minded, try pinning five bay leaves to your pillow instead to dream of future loves. If you’re married or otherwise involved, steep the bay leaves in water and drink the resulting tea to strengthen the love in your relationship.

To encourage balance in a relationship, bind together Venus’s symbols, a pine cone and a flower, and put them somewhere in your home. Or, to spice up a passionate moment, feed fresh berries to each other and drink a berry beverage from one cup (symbolizing united goals and destinies).

In Roman tradition, anywhere there’s a large stone adjacent to a tall tree, Venus is also there. Should you know of such a place, go there today and commune with Her warm, lusty energy.”

Of course, there is the whole fertility aspect of this holiday as well.  So, in the Spirit of the holiday, indulge in some strawberries, some chocolate, and other Foods of Love.  Have a glass or two of red wine and embrace Love; which includes loving yourself!  Have fun, keep it safe and get kinky wit’ it!

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The Art of Sucking Cock featuring Madison Ivory

White walls greet the viewer as the camera zooms out from the room and then focuses on a figure of a golden haired woman in the center. Sitting alone in a plush white leather chair, legs crossed revealing a pair of black high heels, Madison Ivory smiled into the camera as the lens focused up.

The Hollywood actress turned porn star, serving for the House of Solomon smiled as she wore nothing more than a white bustier. It pushed up her all natural double DD breasts with heavy cleavage. Her golden hair properly fixed up, blue eyes gazing back at the viewer and lush ruby red lips ready for service.

Her voluptuous body, sought after by millions of men across the world from her film career was not the focus of this filming. She gazed back into the lens of the POV camera, licking her lips before greeting the viewer in her deep New York accent. 

"I'm Madison Ivory... and I'm gonna suck a big cock today." 

Smiling fully, she blushed while flashing her teeth. There would no need for alternate takes, as she uncrossed her legs and caressed them with her hands. Madison continued to gaze back into the camera, speaking once more.

"Today I'm going to teach you about the art of sucking cock. I'm not ashamed to confess a favorite past time of mine with the right man."

Speaking in a low, seductive tone, she stood up and placed her hands onto her hips. The camera zoomed out as the man stepped back. In full focus, the viewer witnessed Madison Ivory standing proud in her white one-piece bustier outfit. Thighs visible with the outfits cutoff, she stood so proud before moving her hands away. 

Madison may have been the star of this show, but it was the man standing behind the camera who was truly in for a treat. A male performer with Erotic Fire INC had been selected solely for his skills with managing a POV camera and the size of his cock. He was already shirtless, keeping the camera focused on Madison as she fell down to her knees and smirked. 

Another camera was set up from the right side of the room, prepared to capture a second angle that would shift back and forth from the POV lens of the man in charge. All focus was on Madison now as she crawled onto her knees, not once breaking eye contact as she was facing an impressive bulge in the front of her. The man wore nothing but a pair of blue leisure shorts. 

With a smirk on her face, Madison wanted to tease this man. Soon she would send him into a level of heavenly pleasure, but first there was the act of foreplay that went along with this. Smirking up at him, she pushed her left hand over the bulge and gripped it. Dropping her lower lip, she quirked her eyebrows up. Quietly gesturing that she was impressed with his size simply from the bulge. She gave it a light squeeze before letting go. 

"You've got something for me in there, don't you, dear?" 

Words spoken so seductively, leaving no point for the man to respond. Madison used her hands to pull at his shorts, dropping them down to his ankles to release his hardening cock from it's clothed prison. Quirking her eyebrows again, she made a light gasp. Her eyes studying the texture of his man meat that would soon be treat to indulge in. Her big blue eyes gazed back up at him, making eye contact as she smiled. The man simply stepped out of his shorts as Madison wrapped her slender fingers around his cock with her left hand. 

While decent in size at semi-hardness, it was not prepared yet for her loving mouth. Madison was careful as she stroked that cock back and forth at a slow pace. Breaking eye contact, she once again studied the texture and size of what was a proper hard rod fit for adult entertainment films. As her eyes gazed at the head, she had to fight the urge to part her lips and lick the head. A tingling sensation was already occurring down between her thighs, but she knew better than to take her outfit off and pleasure herself. 

Raising her right hand, Madison decided to use both hands to stroke his cock. He was almost ready, but she wanted to go that extra distance in showing a mighty cock the admiration it truly deserved. With both hands, she let go and then used her fingertips to gently caress the sides of it while raising the head to her lips. 

At long last it was time. Her big blue eyes focusing above to look the man in the face as she parted her lips and slid his long cock into her mouth. Madison knew to go slow at first, sucking on the head and then briefly pulling her lips away.

This made a popping noise, the first of many to come. She broke eye contact and gazed back at that long cock, pushing her lips to the head and giving it a loud, loving kiss. Some cocks deserved more than a level of admiration from the lips and tongue. 

Worship was the next level up and Madison had all intentions of worshipping such a stunning cock. Sliding it back into her mouth, she closed her eyes while beginning to bob her head up and down slowly. Her left hand was down at the base, gripping it while her free hand was used to caress up his right leg. 'Mmmmmmm', she made a muffled moan barely audible due to having a mouth full of cock. 

Working in rhythm now, Madison slowly bobbed her head up and down. Sucking inch after inch of this swollen member, she went slow, so he could enjoy her everlasting worship. Pulling her lips back to the head, her eyes gazed up at him as she released his cock with another popping noise. 

Saliva strings dangled from her open mouth back to that shiny, soaked shaft. They broke off when Madison spit on it. Using her left hand, she properly lubed it with her spit. Her hand glided faster and easier due to it's slick wetness. Gazing back up at his face, she parted her lips and held that cock directly beneath her mouth. Madison twirled her tongue around the head. She then tightened the grip from her left hand....

Smack. Smack. Smack. That was the sound audible when she began hitting the head of that cock against her tongue. Her efforts were rewarded with the sound of his voice moaning. That was how she knew that he was satisfied with her teasing. 

Going back down on it, it was time to pick up the pace and show that cock oral loving with faster speed. Madison shoved her hand down to the base like before as she worked her lips up and down, devouring that cock once more. Again and again, she sucked it before pushing down far enough that her lips met with her index finger. The time had come to remove her hand and proceed with another phase in this act. 

Deepthroating. That was what this was called. Madison closed her eyes and slowly, but surely she shoved the head of that cock to the back of her throat. Her lips buried in a bush of his pubic hair, as she demonstrated a proper level of gag reflexes to fit an experienced cocksucker like herself. 

The man moaned loudly as Madison braced herself, holding the position for several seconds. She always liked to count to 10 in the back of her head when she was deepthroating an entire length. Slowly, she began to pull her lips back and release his veiny shaft with an audible 'ahhhhh'. 

A flood of saliva dripped from her lower lip, streaming down her neck. Madison didn't care, as she gazed back at the cock, shiny and coated with her saliva dripping from it. The man exhaled deeply as he began to step backwards and quietly instructed Madison for the next position. 

Moving her hands to push her palms down into the carpet floor below, Madison gazed up, refusing to break eye contact as she situated herself on all fours now and took a few steps to crawl towards him. Eye contact was crucial when it came to a proper blowjob. This was something she knew all too well, but for now, it was his turn to have his way with her. 

The alternate camera was now the focus of attention on her, for the man had turned off his POV camera and handed it off to an assistant who quietly stepped behind him. Madison swallowed her breath, knowing within seconds she would have a mouth full of cock once more in the act of getting mouthfucked. 

An opportunity was open for her to say something. A bit of dirty talk? Pointless, in her mind. Oh, how easy it would've been to taunt this man and push his buttons. Madison thought of what she could tell him. "Wanna stick your big cock back in my mouth, dear? Want me to suck it right off? Mmmmmmm, I'm gonna swallow you whole." If only she was a demon, she could tell him that she could suck the soul right out of his cock. 

What she could've said didn't matter now as the man planted his hands onto the sides of her head and began to thrust his cock back into her mouth. Madison enveloped her lips around the head and closed her eyes. He began to buck his hips forward, driving inch after inch of that cock into her mouth. 

A muffled moan was audible as Madison gave a slight gag. Hearing that, he slowed down and she opened her eyes. Gazing up at his face once again with her mouth stuffed with that long thick cock. He went slow, thrusting into her mouth. 

'Mmmmmmm, mmmm, mmmmmmmm', Madison's muffled moans were audible amidst the breathing and moaning sounds. He went slow, but eventually picked up a pace with thrusting that fat cock in and out of her loving mouth. She sucked it inch after inch. Getting mouthfucked was one of the greatest pleasures that came in the act of sucking dick. Madison reveled in her role as a glamourous cock sucker. 

Feeling his fingers tighten around her golden locks of hair, she closed her eyes and braced herself. Handling that cock as it pulsated between her lips, thrust after thrust. As she opened her eyes and he slowed down, Madison was now ready to give the one part she had neglected all this time. 

Her right hand cupped his hanging ball sack. Softly squeezing it, she massaged it as he pulled his cock back to her lips and playfully ran his fingers through her blonde hair. He played with her hair, moving it out from her face, as that was always the one hard part about sucking dick when your hair wasn't in a pony tail. Madison knew that annoyance all too well. 

When she let go of his balls, her eyes gazed back up at his face and it was time for another round of mouthfucking. His hands met at the back of her head, gripping her hair as he bucked his hips and drove that cock back into her mouth. 

"Gwak, Gwak, Gwak, Gwak..." Those were the muffled sounds Madison's mouth produced from the strength and thrusts of that cock pumping into her mouth. She closed her eyes, loving every lasting second of this as he fucked her mouth properly. There was a sense of honor that came with getting mouthfucked by a cock that was worthy of worship. Madison loved this, reveling in her act  as she sucked it again and again. Her only regret was that she couldn't undo the bustier top, get her breasts out and shove it between them, but perhaps that would make for another video. 

Only when he began to slow down from fucking her mouth, that was when Madison knew they were headed towards the final phase of this session. The man made one last thrust, shoving his cock to the back of her throat. She finally gagged, choking on it as her eyes watered up slightly, but not enough to smear her eyeliner or ruin her makeup. 

The man stepped back, pulling his cock from her mouth with saliva strings dangling back to Madison's open lips. The strings broke when he gripped his shaft. She opened her eyes and gazed up at him, licking her lips. It was apparent what was to come next, as she had worked hard for what would be a sticky reward. That was always the final joy when it came to sucking dick. 

"Cum all over me. Mmmm, wanna cum all over my pretty face?"

With a wink, Madison looked in his eyes. She gritted her teeth, pushing her lips out to give him an expression of her lustful hunger. Again, she spoke naughty words in her low, seductive voice.

"I'm gonna take that hot load all over me... Cum all over me. Cum all over my face..." 

His hand wanked back and forth, as his face scrunched up, teeth barred. Madison knew she only had seconds to wait before her face would be plastered in his seed. But she wasn't done begging for it.

"Give me that cum." Her final words in a whisper. Face raised up, gazing at his cock. Madison closed her eyes as he began to scream and then she felt the sudden burst of that first wad of cum splattering onto her pale skin. It struck her forehead with such force, droplets went into her hair. A string of his warm sticky seed came after, striking over her left eyebrow and down her cheek. 

Blinking her eyes, Madison opened them without flinching as she felt more strings of cum plastering her forehead and getting into her hair. The final strong burst was a thick string that went up the left side of her noise, trickling down her upper lip. She opened her mouth so he could push his cock back between her lips and then it was her duty to milk him of the final last drops. 

Hearing those moans of pleasure and with such a heavy load of cum, that was enough to tell Madison she did her job well with sucking him off. She pulled the cock from her mouth with a popping noise as the cameras moved to focus on the 'money shot' of her face sticky, drenched and dripping in cum. 

Sitting there with the cum dripping from her face, Madison parted her lips to show the puddle of that sticky white seed within her mouth. She closed her lips and audibly swallowed down the cum that wasn't splattered across her face. For the final shot, she smiled at the camera, knowing that various still images were being taken. The camera zoomed out, lights fading to darkness to end the film.

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