Realms Of Ragnarok

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Age: 118
Sign: Sagittarius

Country: Netherlands
Signup Date: April 12, 2022

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ROR Application
Category: Uncategorized

Before you apply, please refer to our rules:

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Species: (God, Demon, Human, Etc)

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Baldur Odinson ROR


Character Name: Baldur Odinson

Species: (God, Demon, Human, Etc) Norse God of beauty, light and purity

Information about your character: A direct incarnation of Baldur based on the Norse historical character set after the events of his death he is rather conflicted and in a sense of inner torment not fully certain what direction he will take.

Writing Sample:
Torment, anguish and suffering are words Baldur had heard utter often during his long life though he had never truly understood or the full crushing weight they had until now. He hung suspended from the ceiling barbed chains coiled around his arms tearing at his flesh with every movement he made. At several points the chains were interlocked with hooks that had been driven through his flesh as they held his weight as he remained suspended his own mass tearing at his body. His joints pushed far beyond their natural pose yet there would be no end for that which is dead cannot truly die again. He remained tense holding himself in place for to relax to give would lower him just enough for the spikes that hung just below his torso to once more puncture through his body. The pai, though excruciating was hardly the worst part.

The only thing that tore at him more than the endless torture was the silence and darkness he had been blindfolded or perhaps they had taken his sight it had been so long he could not truly remember. There were no guards to speak of contact just utter madness inducing silence he could no longer tell night from day or truly remember where he was or how long he had been there. Everything was nothing but a blur of shadows and memory haunting him. He could vaguely recall trying to escape in the beginning he had been so brash so bold and sure of himself and how many times he had been beaten down and dragged back.

Deep within the light that always radiated from within him diminished from its once golden glow becoming something else something more primitive a fury and rage welled within him. He was not sure who he truly blamed anymore was it the fought of his captors, his kin that had made such frolic and fun at him. Perhaps the one he called brother the one even now he could recall throwing the fateful spear that punched through him, names faces they all blurred together as events tore at his mind the sound of laughter and merriment mingling with the memory of his death. Azure flames blossoming at his fingertips as they danced along the chains. Suddenly a new laugh joined the chorus within it had been so long he did not even recognize his own laughter as it filled the cavernous holding cell.

Posted by Baldur Odinson ROR on Wed Apr 13, 2022, 22:04

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