Role Play Zone - Blogs Blogs From on Role Play Zone The Summer Solstice 2024-05-05 The summer solstice (aka Midsummer or Litha) is the polar opposite of the winter solstice. This is the day when the summer is at the peak of its powers-daylight is the longest, while nighttime is the shortest.At the summer solstice, we pay homage to the sun, the source of all life, and the God that it represents. Show your reverence by offering a g Baltane 2024-04-08 Falling on April 30th or May 1st, Beltane (May Day) is another occasion to surround yourself with beautiful flowers and other plants. However, this is a holiday that is also explicitly associated with fertility.But before you go out and buy a bassinet, keep in mind that fertility can be about more than just childbirth. This is the time of year when pagan origins of easter 2024-03-30 Easter is one of the most celebrated holidays in the Christian world, but did you know that its origins can be traced back to pagan times? In this blog post, we will explore the pagan roots of Easter and how modern-day pagans can celebrate this holiday.Pagan Origins of EasterThe name Easter is believed to have come from the Old English word Ä’astre Erotic Thesaurus 2024-02-27 Appetite -craving, demand, gluttony, greed, hunger, inclination, insatiable, longing, lust, passion, ravenousness, relish, taste, thirst, urge, voracity, weakness, willingness, yearning, ardor, dedication, desire, devotion, enthusiasm, excitement, fervor, horny, intensity, keenness, wholeheartedness, zeal, Arouse -agitate, awaken, electrify, e Phrases for in and out of The Bedroom 2024-02-27 Absorbed the feel of himAching tension between them builtAcute surge of desireAdmired the full length of his powerful physiqueAflame withAgile fingers fondledAll thoughts became superfluous but oneAll-over kiss of two bodiesAllowing his erection to cushion againstAlready plumb and swollenAn opiate, she had no wish to kickAn unfurling ofAnticipation Naughty Survey 2023-03-05 1. when did they lose their virginity? fourteen.  2. do they have any kinks or fetishes?3. what is the weirdest place they’ve had sex?4. what is their favorite position? 5. are they dominant, submissive, or switch?6. have they had any one-night stands?7. would they be more likely to do it in the bed, on the couch, on the floor, or somewhe Happy Lupercalia! 2023-02-14 This year, I’ve really kind of felt a pull away from Valentine’s Day and a draw to study Lupercalia.  Given that I have a lot of Sicilian ancestry, it only seems appropriate.  “Lupercalia was a very ancient, possibly pre-Roman pastoral festival, observed on February 13 through 15 to avert evil spirits The Art of Sucking Cock featuring Madison Ivory 2022-12-20 White walls greet the viewer as the camera zooms out from the room and then focuses on a figure of a golden haired woman in the center. Sitting alone in a plush white leather chair, legs crossed revealing a pair of black high heels, Madison Ivory smiled into the camera as the lens focused up.The Hollywood actress turned porn star, servi